Indicator 10: Long-term AT Planning
Long-term planning includes your ability to identify new and useful AT solutions as those solutions become available, arrange for maintenance and upkeep, budget for future AT purchases and when needed, apply for funding for AT devices and services.
Breaking It Down
- What is my plan to keep up with new innovations or technologies which could help me?
- Do I know the difference between what is required of my school/work vs. what I may have to get myself?
- Do I know how or where to purchase the software or equipment I need?
- How will I get training for new or changing technologies?
Webinar: Free and Low Cost Tools
Have A Conversation with Your Case Manager And Parents
- What technology do I currently use? Is anything else available for me to try?
- Is there any vocabulary or term which would help me find something similar?
- How would I purchase the program I use now?
- Are there common technologies I should learn before my next school (college, work)?
Think About Your Goal

- MATch Up Tool – A dynamic tool designed to help find high-quality and affordable assistive technologies and apps from the Maryland Assitive Technology Connections Hub.
- Engage in Student Programs – Resources and programs available to college students with disabilities from the Disabilities, Opportunities, Internetworking, and Technology (DoIT Program).
- Ability Tools Weekly Blog – A weekly highlight of AT and people who use it by the California Foundation of Independent Living Centers.
- Find An AT Professional – The RESNA Network of qualified assistive technology professionals to help you find a person in your area.
- Skills to Pay the Bills – A video on basic critical thinking and problem solving, apply these skills to determining your long term assistive technology needs.