Indicator 2: Knowledge of Legal Rights Regarding AT
Knowledge about your legal rights and responsibilities includes understanding the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act which are both laws that govern people with disabilities in post-secondary education. It’s important to be able to identify how these laws protect you and how to get help when they are being violated.
Breaking It Down
- What is IDEA?
- What is the ADA?
- What is Section 504?
- What is Assistive Technology?
- What is An Accommodation?
- What is Title IX?
Video: Introduction to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
Have A Conversation with Your Case Manager And Parents
- What is one thing I get now that I may not have after I graduate? (For example dictation at work or modified course work in college)
- What laws do I understand well?
- What laws do I still have questions about?
- How is an accommodation different than a modification?
- Can Assistive Technology be an accommodation?
Think About Your Goal

- Know Your Rights– Module 4 of the Punch-In Employment Course to learn about the disability laws, rights, and responsibilities.
- ADA Q & A: Back to School – A policy brief from PACER Center on frequently asked questions on how the ADA applies to schools.
- Assistive Technology and the Americans with Disabilities Act – Cornell University briefing on AT and the ADA, including common examples of AT in the work place.
- A Comparison Chart – A comparison chart of IDEA, Section 504, and the Americans with Disabilities Act.
- Students with Disabilities Preparing for Postsecondary Education – A guide from the U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights.