Indicator 4: AT Self-Advocacy
Self-Advocacy skills allow you to take a leadership role in your IEP planning and eventually with needed departments on campus. Applying your self-advocacy skills to your AT means you know what AT you need, what you are entitled to, and how you can effectively receive it.
Breaking It Down
- Who advocates for me now?
- Who advocates with me?
- When am I good at standing up for myself?
- When is it still uncomfortable or hard for me to stand up for myself?
Video: 10 Tips to Build Self-Advocacy
Have A Conversation with Your Case Manager And Parents
- What more can I be doing to advocate for myself?
- What skills can I develop to reach my goals in college?
- What AT could I explore to help me?
Think About Your Goal

- 10 Ways to Involve Youth in Their IEPs – An article by a special education teacher with creative ideas on getting students involved in their IEPs to build self-advocacy skills.
- Hey Can I Try That? – A free, downloadable student handbook for choosing and using assistive technology to maximum student input by Gayl Bowser and Penny Reed.
- Checklist: What to Ask Colleges About Assistive Technology – A checklist from for students to ask prospective colleges what AT services are available on campus.
- Advocacy Toolkit: Skills and Strategies for Effective Self-Advocacy – A comprehensive guide from the Disability Rights Wisconsin to training people with disabilities and their families to help build and support strong advocacy skills.