Indicator 8: Independent AT Use
Independent use of AT requires knowledge of how to use AT with little or no assistance in order to accomplish tasks and overcome access barriers to achievement. I take responsibility for my use of AT without reminders.
Breaking It Down
- What kind of help do I need to use my AT?
- What kind of help do I need to use my AT?
- If I have a question about a program who can I ask?
- What is something I want to learn about my AT?
- Are there other similar programs I should be familiar with?
Article: My Technology Wake-Up Call
Have A Conversation with Your Case Manager And Parents
- Do you see a time when I could be using tech more?
- How can I learn about other tools which can help support me?
- Could you support me in using technology in the following situations? (e.g. peer groups, live in class)
Think About Your Goal

- A Simple Framework for Problem Solving – A six step resource for working on solving your problem by DoIT.
- Personal Goal Setting – A simple process for setting personal goals by MindTools.
- Self-Assessments – Four interactive self-assessments to discover what you’re good at and where you may have room for improvement by Education Planner.
- Assistive Technology Glossary – A glossary to as you encounter various terms in the areas of special education, disabilities, and assistive technology by the Center on Technology and Disability.