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The Quality Indicators of Assistive Technology in Postsecondary Institutions (QIAT-PS) research project examines how civil rights and self-advocacy knowledge and skills inform the experiences of students with disabilities who use assistive technology (AT) in postsecondary education. The research is conducted in conjunction with the QIAT-PS technical assistance program. For more information about this research visit Great Lakes Center’s research page.


Gould, R., Heider, A., Harris, S. P., Jones, R., Peters, J., Eisenberg, Y., & Caldwell, K. (2022). Self-Determination and Quality Indicators for Assistive Technology in Postsecondary Education. Journal of Postsecondary Education & Disability, 35(1), 45-80.

Touring the Office of Disability Services (PDF) – This is a handout for students with disabilities tour college campuses with some important questions to ask about the Office of Disability Services.

Quality Indicators for AT within Section 504 (PDF) – The QIAT-504 indicators are a set of statements that describe the characteristics of high quality assistive technology (AT) services provided to preschool, elementary and secondary students with disabilities  who are entitled to a free and appropriate public education (FAPE) and receive protection under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act for K-12.

Quality Indicators for AT in Post-Secondary Education (PDF) – An article published in the Closing the Gap Journal Oct. 2016 that introduces the Campus Self-Evaluation Matrix tool to improve service delivery of AT in post-secondary education.

QIAT-PS Guiding Student Questions (PDF) – An article published in the Closing the Gap Journal Dec. 2010 that offers guideline questions for students to pursue self-advocacy with related tasks to improve assistive technology transfer and use in post-secondary education.

2009 AT Survey Report  (PDF) – Results of the survey distributed to students with disabilities in post-secondary education nationally; results were compiled on June 22, 2009.

2015 AT Survey Report  (PDF)  – Results of the survey distributed to students with disabilities in post-secondary education nationally; results were compiled on June 30, 2015.

Quality Indicators for Assistive Technology in K-12  – Quality Indicators for Assistive Technology in the public school, K-12 education. The QIAT Community is a nationwide grassroots group that includes hundreds of individuals who provide input into the ongoing process of identifying, disseminating, and implementing a set of widely-applicable Quality Indicators for Assistive Technology Services in school settings